Sri Lanka: Rebels Break Truce


December 28, 2005: The LTTE denies responsibility for the current spate of attacks on the military. The army is out in force, trying to catch one of the rebel groups involved in the violence. The government is trying to get European nations to put more sanctions on the LTTE, rather than providing them sanctuary and a base for raising money and smuggling weapons. So far, the truce is officially still in force, but many Sri Lankans see the war starting again.

December 27, 2005: In the north, LTTE attacks killed 11 soldiers, and wounded 12 others.

December 25, 2005: LTTE gunmen killed a Tamil legislator who disagreed with them.

December 23, 2005: In the north, an LTTE mine destroyed a navy bus, killing 13 sailors. Off the coast, the LTTE attacked a navy patrol boat and captured three sailors.

December 22, 2005: LTTE attacks in the north left two soldiers dead, and nine wounded.


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