Information Warfare: Bird Flu, Islam and the CIA


February 13, 2006: The Islamic radicals have replaced the Soviet era KGB as the champs at inventing, and spreading, lies about the United States. Before the Soviet Union fell, the KGB planted, and sustained, the rumor that the CIA has invented AIDS, as a disease aimed right at poor countries. Many people in these countries continue to believe that AIDS was a CIA creation. But recently. Saudi Arabian National Guard soldiers were caught distributing pamphlets making the case that the United States invented bird flu, and is responsible for its spread. This accusation should not be unexpected. Islamic radicals, in general, take a dim view of Western medicine. Recently, polio was close to being wiped out, until Islamic radicals in Africa began spreading the lie that polio immunizations were actually a Western plot to sterilize Moslem women. Millions of African Moslems refused to let their kids be immunized, allowing polio to continue surviving and spreading. Thousands suffered or died as a result. The Islamic radicals, who are often pretty ignorant themselves, will continue to prey on poor and ignorant populations, despite the cost in lives.




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