Counter-Terrorism: August 6, 2005


As Israel prepares to get completely out of Gaza by August, 2005, it is  building a more formidable barrier along its 60 kilometer border with Gaza. A triple layer fence is being put up, at a cost of some $3.7 million per kilometer. The existing fence has been pretty effective at keeping terrorists out, but the new one will be able to deal with a more determined terrorist effort. While the Israeli withdrawal from Gaza is supposed to be accompanied by a crack down, by the Palestinians, on Palestinian terrorists, there is a good chance that this wont happen. Thus the new fence. One of the new fences will be about 30 meters closer to Gaza than the existing fence and will be made of metal, and razor wire. A more formidable fence, 70-150 meters closer to Israel, will also be made of metal and wire, but will also be full of sensors and vidcams, along with towers equipped with remotely controlled machine-guns. There are also supposed to be UAVs and robotic ground vehicles used as well. In addition, where Israeli towns or homes are within machine-gun range of Gaza, will get several kilometers of 23 foot high concrete wall. About 20 percent of this new barrier is already completed, and the rest will be done by next Summer. Several hundred border police will maintain the Gaza barrier, who will be linked electronically to other police and military units who will provide back up forces.




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