Iraq: September 12, 2002


Notes On The Coming War With Iraq-

@ The US plans extensive use of information warfare. This will include (or perhaps has already included) sifting through Iraqi computers looking for information, corrupting existing Iraqi computer files and software, planting false data in existing files, and feeding radar signals back into Iraqi air defense systems to convince them that US aircraft are in places they aren't.

@ New microwave weapons will be used to scramble Iraqi computers of all types. Such weapons can destroy hard drives and corrupt software in active memory, causing systems to fail constantly.

@ Pacific Command complains that operations in the Middle East, Persian Gulf, and Afghanistan have left it without enough intelligence aircraft to watch China, Korea, and Taiwan.

@ A new IISS report says that Iraq is within a few years of making weapons grade nuclear material, but it could build a bomb within a few months if it could get fissile materials from former Soviet republics. 

@ Intelligence sources are in disagreement over the question of whether Saddam has given terrorist groups access to chemical or biological weapons. The sources are convinced, however, that if Saddam is about to be removed from power, he could move to deliver such weapons to terrorists as a last measure of revenge.--Stephen V Cole





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