Book Review: Inside the Afrika Korps: The Crusader Battles, 1941-1942


by Col. Rainer Kriebel and the U.S. Army Intelligence

Greenhill Books/Stackpole 1999. . Maps, diagr, biblio., index. $34.95. ISBN:1-85367-322-6

A compilation of a post-war report by Col. Rainer Kriebel, erstwhile staff officer in the Afrika Korps, on the Crusader battles, and two documents produced by U.S. Army intelligence on German employment of artillery and the evolution of German defensive tactics in North Africa. Kriebel’s contribution is particularly valuable, as it is a fairly unvarnished account, which points out many of the weaknesses of the German warmaking in North Africa, and provides some interesting insights into Rommel as a commander. Useful reading for anyone with an interest in the North African Campaign.
Reviewer: A. A. Nofi   

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