Artillery: A Great Solution For an Obsolete Problem


July 5, 2007: Russia has developed a unique self-propelled artillery piece. It's a dual barrel (one above the other) 152mm gun. The two guns share an auto-loading system and a fifty round ammo supply on board. In fact, there is no one in the turret, just the ammo and loading machinery for two guns.

With both barrels working, the "Koalitcia-SV" can fire sixteen rounds a minute for short periods. The gun is a variation of the current 2S19M system, and is currently undergoing testing. While a system like this makes sense for current artillery tactics (fire as many shells as possible, in the shortest period of time, so you can move to avoid counter-fire), new GPS guided shells are changing everything. The American Excalibur GPS guided shell just entered service this year in Iraq. American troops using it are amazed at how two Excalibur shells, fired from over 30 kilometers away, go through the same hole in the roof of a large building, and explode inside to kill enemy troops. Without destroying adjacent buildings. Koalitcia-SV appears to be a great solution for an obsolete problem. PHOTO




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