NBC Weapons: July 24, 2002


: Follow up on the UK Guardian's claim that radioactive material had been stolen from Volgodonsk Atomic Power Station (in Volgodonsk, Rostov Region): Yegor Obukhov, the head of the station's press service, told journalists on 19 July that their security was the best in Russia and not one gram of radioactive material has ever been stolen. He claimed that it would be impossible to steal plutonium from the Volgodonsk Atomic Power Station, if only because there is no plutonium at the station. The VVER-1000 reactor is used at the station is a water-moderated reactor (made at the Atommash plant in Volgodonsk), which takes Uranium-235 fuel. Up until September 2001, Volgodonsk Atomic had been called the Rostov Atomic Power Station. Adam Geibel