Information Warfare: June 12, 2005


Military commanders the world over now have to take a closer look at the security of their computer networks. An Israeli industrial espionage gang has been arrested, and charged with providing services and software to penetrate competitors computer systems, and steal data. Two Israelis living in Britain created most of the software, while others in Israel performed the network penetrations and extracted the data. Its feared that companies outside of Israel may have been hit as well. Its been known for years that criminal gangs are getting more involved in cyber-crime, and that many of these groups were willing to hack any system, if the price was right. The Israeli gang is not known to have gone after government or military systems, but there are similar gangs out there who might. System managers in the military feel that its only a matter of time before one, or more, of these gangs goes after a military site because the money they are being paid is too good to turn down. Terrorists could also avail themselves of these services, although they would probably have to hide their terrorist connections. Most professional criminals stay away from terrorism, because it brings down too much heat from the police and intelligence agencies. Getting busted by the cops is one thing, getting blown away by counter-terrorism commandoes is something else again.