Leadership: August 31, 2002


A dark period in the history U.S. Navy aviation resurfaced recently. On August 16th, a federal judge dismissed a harassment lawsuit brought by former U.S. Navy pilot Dunai Lohrenz against the Center for Military Readiness for a report the organization issued claiming that Lohrenz and another female pilot, Kara Hultgreen (who died in an accident while trying to land an F-14 on a carrier in 1994) were unable to pass their carrier training but were sent on to carrier duty anyway because the Clinton administration was pressuring the navy to get female carrier pilots. After examining the evidence, the judge concluded that the carrier training instructors had been overruled by navy brass in order to get these two women passed on to carrier flying duty. The training reports indicated the both pilots were likely to be dangerous because of their poor flying skills. Lohrenz was removed from carrier flight duty in 1995 after the CMR report came out. Lohrenz sued CMR in 1996. The navy continued the cover-up by not allowing instructor pilots (who failed the two women) to testify.