Leadership: April 10, 2004


The U.S. Army is considering paying soldiers serving overseas in hostile environments (not necessarily combat zones) special pay. It's being called "field pay." This concept is based on the U.S. Navy's "sea pay." The U.S. Navy has long paid sailors extra pay for time spent on board a ship at sea. This "sea pay" compensates for being away from the comforts of home, or at least the civilian amenities found outside naval bases. It's also compensation for the prohibition (since 1914) against alcoholic drinks on board. The pay varies according to rank, time in the navy and other factors. Currently, enlisted sailors get $50 to $646 per month, warrant officers $180 to $730 and commissioned officers $100 to $535. 

Serving overseas in the army has come to resemble being on a ship. Troops are usually not allowed off base much, and there's no booze on base. Sort of like being on a ship. The army sees troops being sent to places like Iraq and Afghanistan for years to come. While the combat operations will not be as intense, the soldiers will still be serving in an alien, and often uncomfortable, environment. Soldiers are aware of sea pay, and the idea appears to have bubbled up from the ranks. Taking the hint, the army is seriously considering it. The army is already offering re-enlistment bonuses of $5,000-10,000 for soldier who are in units getting ready to move to Iraq or Afghanistan, and are at the end of their current enlistment. It's worth the money to keep such experienced troops in for another three years, and especially to keep them in for the year their unit will be spending in a combat zone. That bonus program has proved popular, and effective.




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