Morale: Chest Candy for the Naval Infantry


December7, 2006: The U.S. Navy will now issue a pin for enlisted sailors serving with the "Naval Expeditionary Combat Command" (NECC). Several other specialties have similar pins. Submariners wear a dolphin, aviators wear wings. The NECC sailors are being trained for ground combat, and this will let people know who they are. It's good for morale.

NECC was officially established in October, 2005. This organization will eventually grow to contain 40,000 sailors, all of whom will be trained to work, and fight, on land. The U.S. Marine Corps has mixed feelings about this, for the marines have long been the navy's ground combat troops. The navy says that the USMC mission will remain.

But in the meantime, there are already 20,000 sailors eligible for the NECC pin, and 3,000 are already serving ashore in Iraq and Afghanistan. There are 9,000 more non-combat sailors, like construction troops (Seabees), medical and other support personnel, overseas. NECC is not exactly replacing the marines, but doing jobs ashore the navy feels it can handle. Some of these support jobs the marines don't even try to do.

Also keep in mind that the marines are not part of the navy, as they are often described. Both the navy and marines are part of the Department of the Navy (the Department of the Army and Department of the Air Force each have only one component.) Over the years, the marines obtained more and more autonomy from the navy. When the U.S. Marine Corps began, over two centuries ago, as sailors who were trained and equipped to fight as infantry, they were very much part of the navy, and part of ship crews. This changed radically in the late 19th century, when all-metal steam ships replaced wooden sailing ships. The new "iron ships" really didn't need marines, and there were proposals to eliminate them. The American marines got organized and made themselves useful. For example, the marines performed very well as "State Department Troops" in Latin America for half a century (late 19th century to just before World War II), where American troops were needed deal with civil disorder. During World War I (1914-18), they provided a brigade for ground combat in Europe, where they demonstrated exceptional combat skills. During the 1930s, as World War II approached, the U.S. Marine Corps really ran with the ball when the navy realized they would have to use amphibious assaults to take heavily fortified Japanese islands. During World War II, the marines formed their first division size units, and ended the war with six divisions, organized into two corps. The Marine Corps was no longer just a minor part of the navy, but on its way to being a fourth service. Over the next half century, it basically achieved that goal. But in doing that, the navy lost control of its ground troops.

The navy still wanted and needed land forces. So, having lost control of the USMC, the navy has created NECC. The navy still considers the marines its primary "infantry force", but the NECC will contain sailors trained and equipped for land operations the navy believes it should be involved in. Some of these are still on the water, like "riverine operations" (small gunboats and troop carriers to control rivers and coastal waters against irregulars), and "naval infantry" to defend navy land bases in hostile territory. Yes, it's all about Iraq, all its rivers and all it's hostile locals wanting to attack sailors there helping with reconstruction.