Paramilitary: July 27, 2004


The U.S. Army expects to have about 80 percent of the 5,600 IRR (Individual Ready Reserve) troops who were recently mobilized, actually show up. This is not bad, considering that no one really kept track of where the IRR people were, aside from the home address they gave when they were discharged. Most people in the IRR are there for four years, to finish out the eight year obligation incurred when they enlisted (usually for four years of active duty.) As a result, the army plans to call another 5,000 or so IRR troops early next year. The IRR has existed for nearly half a century, and had never really been used. But the current situation appears to be exactly what the IRR was designed for, and the army plans to use it heavily. In theory, the army could make everyone who enlisted, serve eight years (instead of the usual 3-6 years.) This is unlikely, as there are limits on how many reservists the president can call up without a formal declaration of war. Moreover, not all of the 50,000 or so troops discharged each year have stills that the army needs to fill emergency needs. One thing is for certain, troops, including those recently discharged, are now much more aware of what the IRR is.