Counter-Terrorism: April 18, 2005


Cuba has become an unexpected ally in the war on terror. Although Cuba is publicly hostile to the United States, and a long time supporter of leftist terrorist organizations, its role in the current war on terror is rather more complex. The Cubans have been working with American security agencies to stem drug trafficking and people smuggling. All unofficial, of course, but the reason for it is the increased drug smuggling into Cuba. The growing tourist industry in Cuba attracts the drug dealers, as the tourists, and Cubans working in the tourist industry, want, and can afford to buy drugs. The Cuban government does not like their growing drug problem, wont even officially admit it exists, but is willing to deal with the devil to keep the problem at bay. This cooperation, mostly exchanging information on drug gangs, and their operations in the region, has also extended to Islamic terrorists. This is something else Cuba wants no part of. Noting the damage Islamic terrorists did to the tourist industry in Indonesia, Israel, Thailand and Egypt, Cuba has been willing to pass on useful information, hoping for some useful tips in return. All this is happening at the same time Cuba is supporting leftist terrorists in South America, and their own spy networks in the United States. The war on terror makes for strange bedfellows.