Counter-Terrorism: May 18, 2005


A lot of  Israeli counter-terrorism technology, much of it secret, is being used in Iraq. One of the more open bits of Israeli expertise are dogs trained to sniff our roadside bombs. Particularly useful have been the technology and techniques for spotting suicide bombers before they can reach their targets. Israel developed all of this during the last four years, as they fought, and eventually defeated Palestinian terror organizations (that were sending hundreds of suicide bombers into Israel). Israeli intelligence techniques have been particularly effective tracking down terrorist cells in Iraq, and discovering where they are operating from. Were terrorists to know details of how these techniques, and accompanying technology, worked, they would be better able to avoid the effects. So the details on all this wont become known for several years, or longer. Only when the techniques and technology are no longer effective will any of it be declassified. Details will probably leak out before that, but these will be leaks with deadly consequences. Anything that makes the terrorists more effective results in people getting killed.




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