Counter-Terrorism: Feminism, Islamic style


June 10,2008: While al Qaeda is generally not considered "woman friendly," the male-dominated terrorist organization has, unwittingly, created a growing number of Islamic radical feminists who demand to be allowed to join the fight. There has been an increase in women volunteering to be suicide bombers (nearly two dozen in the last five years). But many more women want to be involved in all aspects of planning and carrying out Islamic terrorist violence. On the Internet, you can find messages from these female terrorist wannabes, citing verses from the Koran, and snippets of Islamic history, to justify their right to participate in the killing. In areas where many suicide bombers are recruited, mothers are encouraged to enthusiastically give up their sons for the cause. Some moms really get into it, others just go along, fearful of retribution if they display any reluctance to seeing their kids blown up. Feminism, Islamic style.