Peacekeeping: The 15th Peacekeeping Brigade Deploys


31, 2005:
Russia’s first peacekeeping brigade (the 15th Peacekeeping Brigade)
is being sent to Abkhazia (a breakaway region of Georgia). Russia has had
conscript peacekeepers in Abkhazia since 1994, and the situation is pretty
quiet. The volunteer troops of the 15th Peacekeeping Brigade will be able to
improve their skills with little risk in Abkhazia. The next assignment probably
won’t be as easy, as Russia plans to use the 15th Peacekeeping Brigade in UN
peacekeeping assignments. Since the UN pays for peacekeeping troops, Russia is
not going to go broke keeping this unit around. Moreover, Russian peacekeepers
provide diplomatic and PR benefits. Russian contract troops (volunteers) are more
capable and disciplined than the usual Russian conscripts. This means that the
Russian peacekeepers will probably perform more effectively than a lot of the
less well trained and equipped peacekeepers from other countries, making the
Russian troops more desirable, and more respected, for peacekeeping operations.