Chad: A Rebel for Every Cause


October 20, 2006: Chad rebels and Sudanese militia have been joining together for raids into Chad. In the last two weeks, these combined groups have attacked about a dozen villages. The raiders are looking for loot and food, but kill many of the villagers in the process.

October 15, 2006: Gunrunners from Chad are moving new weapons to rebels in Sudan. Meanwhile, despite a "peace" treaty, Chad continue to support Sudanese rebels, which Sudan support Chad rebels.

October 7, 2006: The oil companies have agreed to pay the government $280 million in "back taxes." In what amounted to an extortion operation, the government demanded $500 million and a larger share of ownership, or else the two oil companies would be expelled and their assets seized. The $280 million will probably be stolen by Chad president Deby and his cronies. This encourages the rebels in the northern part of the country. All that oil money is something to fight for. But Deby will use a lot of that money to fly in more weapons, and to buy the services of more gunmen.