Chad: Properly Corrupt and Dictatorial


March 22,2008: The rebel threat against the oil fields got the governments attention. This led to peace talks with the RFC, which is led by a nephew of Chad president Deby. The RFC is demanding cash and jobs (including some senior positions in the government.) The RFC, and three other rebel groups, signed a peace deal last October. But this soon collapsed when rebels accused the government of not delivering the promised goodies. Deby is accused of being corrupt and dictatorial. This, of course, is what you have to be if you want to survive as a tyrant.

March 16, 2008: The EU (European Union) peacekeeping force along Chad's eastern border declared itself open for business. Only about 30 percent of the 3,800 man force is on hand. The rest of the troops are supposed to show up in the next month. Maybe.

March 15, 2008: Chadian rebels want no part of the new Chad-Sudan peace deal. In fact, the RFC (Rally of Forces for Change) have threatened to raid Chad's oil fields. These facilities are relatively new, and the major source of revenue for the government.

March 13, 2008: Chad and Sudan have signed yet another peace deal. As usual, it includes promises not to support rebels in each other's territory. The president of nearby Senegal brokered the deal. At the time of the signing, Chad accused Sudan of allowing hundreds of Chad rebels to cross the border into Chad.

March 6, 2008: The government reported that 700 people died during the rebel assault on the capital last year. Nearly 60 percent of the dead were civilians, and most of the rest were rebels. These losses included those from skirmishes in the suburbs, but most of the fighting was near the presidential palace. During the two days of fighting, police and troops arrested several opposition politicians, who are still in jail.

March 5, 2008: Russia has agreed to supply helicopters, probably Mi-8s, for the peacekeeping force in Chad.