Chad: Pay To Stay


January 29, 2010: The government is now willing to negotiate the continued presence of 3,000 UN peacekeepers in eastern Chad. The UN wants to keep the peacekeepers in Chad, as this is necessary for continuing peacekeeping in the adjacent CAR (Central African Republic) and the protection of thousands of foreign aid workers in CAR and along the Darfur border. Chad likes all the cash the peacekeepers bring into the area (which is otherwise very poor), and the protection from any hostile moves by Sudan (which could otherwise invade and grab a chunk of Chadian territory.)

Chad and Sudan have agreed to establish joint border posts by February 20th. Troops from both countries would man these road checkpoints and lookouts off the roads, and make it more difficult for either country to ignore the free movement of rebel (against Chad or Sudan) groups across the border. Forcing rebel groups back into the country they are rebelling against, is more difficult. That's because these rebel groups often base themselves with kindred tribes across the border. The tribes in the area never recognized the national borders, drawn by European colonial officials.

January 18, 2010: The government has asked the UN to not renew its Chad peacekeeping operation, when its mandate expires this March. This is believed to be a negotiating ploy, to obtain more money for government officials, and less interference (in corrupt practices) for those same officials.

January 15, 2010: Air force jets bombed a village near where the border of Chad, CAR and Sudan meet. The village was believed to be a base for the UFR (Union of Forces of Resistance)  rebels. The UFR was responsible for the attempt to take the Chad capital last May. This incursion was halted about hundred kilometers beyond the Sudan border, after which the UFR fighters fled back to Sudan, where most of them remain. But some UFR fighters have been trying to move back into Chad over the last few months, and has been bumping into Chadian troops, and light fighting has resulted.