China: July 31, 2005


  China is hosting a new round of six nation (China, Russia, Japan South Korea,  United States and North Korea) talks over the situation in North Korea. China has put forward a proposal to solve the dispute (over North Koreas nuclear and ballistic missile program). China proposes North Korea get needed economic aid, and give up its weapons. The dispute is now over how fast North Korea gets the aid, and how strict the inspections will be of the dismantling of the weapons programs. China doesn't want a meltdown in North Korea, and a flood of starving refugees coming across the border. China also does not want South Korea to take over North Korea, putting a major democracy on their border. China is trying to get North Korea to reform its economy like China did, but the North Koreans are rather inept at this, and the North Korean economy is in far worse shape than China's ever was.