Libya: Corruption, Greed And Islamic Terrorists Bring Misery


December 21, 2013: The leader of the militia blockading the eastern oil export terminals now refuses to lift the blockage until the government recognizes the autonomy of eastern Libua and the right to take most of the income from oil in the east (where most of the oil is). The national parliament is calling on the government to stop trying to negotiate a settlement and use the security forces to take back control of the oil export terminals. But this is certain to damage the terminals and further delay the resumption of exports (by weeks, months or longer depending on the degree of damage). There is also doubt that the security forces are up to the job. The army and police are still outnumbered by militia gunmen nationwide and a major battle for the oil export terminals would reduce operations against hostile militias elsewhere.

The government effort to neutralize the militias has not worked out as planned. While popular opposition to the militias and a growth in the number of trained and reliable army and police personnel have gotten most of the anti-government militias out of the major cities, these militias have not been destroyed. Most have simply moved to the countryside and still have members operating in the cities. This means continuing attacks on government officials and terrorism attacks in general.

In in the east (Benghazi and Derna) some Islamic terrorist groups still operate openly and others have established bases and training facilities out in the countryside. These Islamic terrorist groups are training foreigners, including men from Syria and poor security at the border and the airport makes it possible for known Islamic terrorists to enter and leave Libya without interference.

The oil blockade has cost the government $7.5 billion so far and cash reserves and borrowing ability are running out. In addition to food and other essential imports, the government also has to import oil and refined petroleum products to supply its refineries and civilian demand. Even Islamic terrorist militias are calling for an end to the oil export blockades. But the Islamic terrorists also want the elected government eliminated and replaced with a religious dictatorship. That is not likely to happen because there are several major Islamic terrorist militias that do not agree with each other on how a religious dictatorship would work. This is a common problem with Islamic terrorists and their desire to replace government.

The money shortage means a lot of rebuilding is not being done because there is no money to pay for construction materials and other supplies. There is also no money to rebuild the coast guard, so smugglers have an easier time moving people and goods in and out of the country. This includes drugs, Islamic terrorists, cash and Africans trying to get into Europe illegally.

International corruption surveys (Transparency International) show that corruption has increased in Libya since the Kaddafi government (which was infamous for its corruption) was overthrown. Corruption is measured on a 1 (most corrupt) to 100 (not corrupt scale). The three most corrupt nations have a rating of 8 and the least corrupt is 91. In the last year Libya has gone from 21 to 15. The Middle East averages 37 against the world average (for 177 countries) of 43. Corruption tends to increase during revolutions and civil wars.

December 20, 2013: In Derna (eastern Libya) the colonel in charge of military intelligence for Benghazi was murdered while in town to visit family.

December 17, 2013: The UN is threatening to pull out of Libya because the government changed its mind and now refuses to allow the UN to bring in 235 foreign troops to guard the 200 UN staff in Libya. Some Libyan politicians denounced the UN request as outside interference. It was the lack of professional security forces that got the U.S. ambassador and three other Americans killed last September and terrorist attacks since then have killed and injured more foreigners.

December 16, 2013: Army special operations troops attacked the homes of known Islamic terrorists in retaliation for the recent death of a fellow soldier by a terrorist bomb. The fighting between Islamic terrorists and the growing number of army units sent in is increasing.

December 15, 2013: In Benghazi (eastern Libya) an army colonel was shot dead. Elsewhere in the city three soldiers were wounded by a roadside bomb.

December 10, 2013: In Derna (eastern Libya) a colonel in security forces was shot dead outside his home. Elsewhere in the city a bomb destroyed a school. Islamic terrorists are hostile to non-religious schools and are active in Derna.

December 8, 2013: In Benghazi (eastern Libya) a suicide car bomber attacked the funeral of an army officer assassinated by terrorists and wounded two people.

December 7, 2013: In Benghazi (eastern Libya) a police colonel was killed by a bomb planted in his car by Islamic terrorists. The colonel was also a preacher at a local mosque and spoke out against Islamic terrorists.      

December 5, 2013: An American teacher was shot dead while out jogging. Local Islamic terrorists accused the teacher of being a CIA spy but his students and Libyan colleagues thought highly of him. The government increased security for foreigners as a result of this killing.

December 2, 2013: In Benghazi and Derna (eastern Libya) Islamic terrorists fired on demonstrators calling for the Islamic terrorists to disband or leave the cities. Several dozen civilians were wounded. Security forces have put more pressure on Islamic terrorists in both cities over the last week, and that has led to over 60 casualties including at least nine dead.

December 1, 2013: In Benghazi (eastern Libya) an air force officer was shot dead.

November 30, 2013: In the southern city of Sabha at least 40 escaped from a prison that was attacked by dozens of armed men.