Nepal: Down With The King, Or Else


May 1, 2007: The Maoists want a republic declared within three weeks, or else. Apparently that means more demonstrations and unrest if the king does not go. It was a year ago that the king handed power back to parliament, which had allied itself with the Maoists. In the south, Mahadhesis (ethnic Indian groups) are seeking aid from political parties across the border in India.

April 30, 2007: In the west, several hundred Maoists attacked a police station and kidnapped six police officers. The area where this happened had, for several years, largely been controlled by the Maoists, and the Maoist officials resent the return of the police. Throughout the country, Maoists are not allowing people who fled their attacks, to return and reclaim their property.

April 20, 2007: In the south, Mahadhesis (ethnic Indian groups) are trying to shut things down with a general strike. They want the Minister of the Interior to resign, and take responsibility for the death of 30 Mahadhesis during earlier riots. The government gave into most other Mahadhesis, but the southerners are on a roll. Other groups in the south are seeking greater autonomy.

April 13, 2007: The army has completed registering 2,855 weapons (rifles, machine guns, sub-machine guns, pistols as well as mortars) with the UN. These are now locked up under UN supervision as part of the peace deal.

April 10, 2007: The Maoists have officially registered as a political party.

April 9, 2007: Unrest between ethnic Indians and Maoists in the south continues, with brawls and kidnappings, plus demonstrations and lots of strong words. Some of the Maoists have declared themselves separate from the mainline Maoist organization, and are basically rebelling against just about everyone.


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