Nepal: Bluff, Bluster and Anarchy


December 1, 2007: The Maoists threatened to resume the war if the monarchy is not abolished, but everyone realizes that is s desperate threat. The Maoists have been losing popularity in the last year, and their continued use of extortion and theft to enrich their members has been widely reported on. Maoist threats against journalists, and the murder of at least one, backfired, producing even more anti-Maoist coverage. The Maoists are demanding control of the interior and defense ministries, but cannot do more than bluster when they are turned down. The mainline Communist Party is even threatening to replace the Maoists in the government. The Maoists failed to conquer the country with force, and are now failing to get their way from inside the government. Meanwhile, anarchy spreads, with more groups adopting the Maoist tactics of aggressive demonstrations, threats and extortion.


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