Sri Lanka: Morale Takes a Hit


September 21, 2006: The LTTE has a major problem with morale and new attitudes among the Tamils in Sri Lanka. There is much less support for suicide attacks, especially if they result in civilian casualties. So the LTTE is using their suicide squad mostly for assassination attacks. But the Tamils are tired of all the violence in general, and not very enthusiastic about resuming the civil war. At the moment, the government is aggressively patrolling, and using bombers and artillery to attack LTTE positions.
September 20, 2006: In eastern Sri Lanka, Moslems rioted in protest of the lack of police protection against LTTE terrorists. Police opened fire and four Moslems were wounded.
September 19, 2006: The government said that it had received a tip about the LTTE smuggling ship it sunk on the 17th, and that the ship had come from Indonesia. The LTTE has long employed gunrunners (often working with corrupt military officials) throughout the region, to obtain weapons and ammunition.
September 17, 2006: The navy and air force intercepted an LTTE ship off the east coast, and sunk it. At least eight crewmen on the ship appear to have been killed. This ship was thought to be carrying weapons and ammunition. Meanwhile, eleven Moslems were hacked to death in eastern Sri Lanka. This is a continuation of Tamil violence against Moslems. The Tamils want all non-Tamils to leave areas the LTTE considers Tamil.
September 16, 2006: Despite Norwegian peacemakers announcing a resumption of peace talks, the fighting and terror attacks continue.


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