Sri Lanka: Cutting Them Off at the Coast


November 3, 2006: In the north, the air force and navy continue to attack LTTE bases, and sink LTTE boats trying to smuggle weapons in. Throughout Sri Lanka, government agents, and political activists, have been terrorizing pro-LTTE Tamils. In eastern Sri Lanka, LTTE rebels have also been terrorizing opponents. The threats often include kidnappings, and sometimes murder. The government believes the LTTE is preparing a major offensive, to try and reverse the image of an LTTE that is weak and falling apart. If there is an offensive, and it fails, that image will be confirmed.

November 2, 2006: The navy and air force have been collaborating to do some serious damage to the fleet of LTTE boats that brings weapons and munitions in from India. Because the population of southern India is Tamil, the Indian government cannot crack down on the Indian gunrunners. But once the fishing boats full of munitions get near Sri Lanka, the Sri Lankan air force and navy get involved. Typically, a gunrunner boat will not allow the navy to board and search, or may even fire on the navy patrol boat. That usually results in navy or air force action that destroys the LTTE boat. Meanwhile, the air force has been making several bombing raids a week on known bases used by the smugglers, sinking LTTE boats at anchor. The LTTE is very dependent on this boat traffic, for they use a lot of artillery and rifle ammo to keep the army away. Without constant re-supply of ammunition, the LTTE forces will be much more vulnerable.

October 31, 2006: In the north, a roadside bomb killed a soldier, and wounded several others. Meanwhile, at sea, the navy sank another LTTE boat trying to smuggle ammunition in. The air force continued to bomb LTTE bases, and both sides fired artillery at each others trenches.


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