Uganda: Islamic Backlash


October 14,2008: Over the last month Uganda has been increasing the alert level of its police forces and military units. The government said that it has received "threats" because it has a peacekeeping force deployed in Somalia as part of the African Union peacekeeping contingent. Attacks within Uganda, perpetrated by Islamist terror groups, were a major worry when Uganda agreed to organize the force. Domestic opponents of the force said that Uganda would become a target. Advocates argued Uganda was already a target for radical Islamists since Uganda had supported South Sudan's fight against the Sudanese Islamist government (Khartoum) and had cooperated with the US in The War on Terror.

October 2, 2008: A Lord's Resistance Army (LRA) spokesman accused the government of reneging on promises made as part of the Cessation of Hostilities Agreement. The LRA has objected to a recent statement by a senior government official that the rebels should be "starved" in their camps. What the government said (on September 28) was that food aid groups and NGOs should stop supplying food to the LRA camps.

September 29, 2008: Two ethnic groups in Karamoja (Jie and Dodoth) clashed after a cattle raid. Three people died in a heavy firefight. The Dodoth accused the Jie of conducting the raid.