Yemen: Civil War No Longer Theoretical


September 27, 2011: President Saleh's inability to negotiate honestly and keep (or even make) promises has made peace difficult to achieve. As more people are killed, more Yemenis invoke the ancient "blood feud" principle and drag their kinsman into a non-negotiable war with the Saleh coalition. More anti-government tribesmen are getting into the capital, with their weapons, and fighting with soldiers. It's now more about gun battles than large demonstrations.

September 26, 2011:  North of the capital, a group of tribesmen seized a small Republican Guard base, capturing 30 soldiers. Two tribesmen were killed during the attack.

September 25, 2011: President Saleh, now back in Yemen, gave a televised speech, in which he called for elections and a peaceful exchange of power. His opponents do not trust him, because he has lied so many times before on these matters.

September 24, 2011: In the capital, troops sought to clear a large square full of anti-government protestors. The soldiers used gunfire, and killed at least 40 civilians, and wounded over a hundred. Thousands of other civilians fled the attack.

September 23, 2011: President Saleh unexpectedly returned from Saudi Arabia, where he has been for the last three months being treated for injuries received when the presidential palace was hit by rocket fire.

September 21, 2011:  A ceasefire in the capital failed after less than 24 hours as soldiers and rebel tribesmen fought, leaving at least 15 dead.

In the south, several American UAV missile attacks left at least ten Islamic terrorists dead.