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Subject: Earth becoming an Empire
Miles    2/28/2007 11:02:57 AM
Is it possible, or it would never happen. All the governments around the world agreed to form together into one power to prevent war. Well of course war will happen. This is an idea I came up for my story. The entire Earth becomes a world empire, and there are two leaders, an emperor and emperess. What do you think?
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Jeff_F_F       2/28/2007 5:48:15 PM
Whether a global empire of some sort will form depends on your time scale. Over time we see larger and larger and more and more persistent power blocks forming. In the Cold War you had Nato and the Warsaw Pact. The Warsaw Pact broke up and a lot of it's constituents are being picked up by NATO and/or the EU.
There are two developing trends in the Middle East, one is the rise of Islamism, and on the other hand a slow movement toward democracy in counries like Egypt and Saudi Arabia. One of these processes will probably eventually win and result in either an alliance of mideastern democracies or a multinational Caliphate.
If the democratic processes win, relationships between NATO/EU and middle eastern democracies may grow closer and we may even see such countries become part of one or both organizations. If the Caliphate develops in the mideast, it is possible that the steady increase in the size of islamic populations in Europe due to the low native birth rate in European nations requiring immigration to maintain these nations' workforces will cause that cultural phenomenon to spread to Europe as well. It is entirely possible that at some point in that process war will break out during the process to resolve the outcome. Either way the likely eventual result is increased connection between Europe and the Middle East. This power bloc is closely allied to the United States, Canada, Australia and Japan, and this will continue unless the Islamists start winning.
The US is closely economically allied to Mexico and Canada, and this will probably continue, although friction between the US population and the Mexican population is likely to continue for some time. This will probably not result in war, but is likely to be more complex than a straightforward and continuous merging process. There may be significant political backlashes that may delay this process. The political and economic elite of the United States supports it so it will probably eventually continue barring some catalysing force that results in extreeme opposition by the US population.
An alternative power bloc appears to be forming in Middle America by those nations which seek to resist the political influence of the United States. If Mexico is rejected by the United States it will likely join this power bloc. Some of the other South and Central American nations will also join in, but may likely float between this power bloc and the United States. Ultimately there will not be a war but possibly decades of political standoff between the North American nations and the Central and South American nations, but eventually they will merge.
Meanwhile the large developing nations of Asia--especially India and China--are making inroads with the developing nations of Africa. If asia follows the path that europe did, these nations will first fight, then make peace and form a power bloc of their own. It took Europe over a century for this process to occur. The world may be moving faster today, but still don't hold your breath.
There are several unknowns in Asia. The first is Russia. Will they stay independent? Will they join the European nations? or will they join the Asian nations. Most of Asian Russia is spasely inhabited. Russia is more European than an Asian, culturally. However its governement is more authoritarian than most of the rest of the European nations, which may prompt it to move toward China or India, with which it also has strong economic and military ties. Both Russia and China claim some territory and this may create friction.
Indoneasia has a lot of potential--a large population, considerable natural resources, and a fairly developed economy, but is not closely allied with any of the other power blocs. It is Islamic, but its culture is very different from Arab culture. Probably too much so to join in any Arab-dominated caliphate, at least on a permenant basis.
Some important things to watch: global climate change--this is not nearly as simple as the old description global warming. It is having dramatic impacts on many areas, and not all of these are easily predictable. For example, the savannah south of the Sahera Desert is expanding northward, because the warmer atmosphere is able to hold more water which can water more of the African Continent. The overall warming trend may have important impacts on the habitability of currently frigid Siberia, which may impact the economic strength of Russia by increasing the growing season and making oil extraction easier. Similarly with generally increased temperature will come generally increased rainfall worldwide.&nb
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Jeff_F_F    Cyber Emperor and Emperess   3/6/2007 10:55:52 PM
This probably doesn't fit what you are thinking of, but maybe it could.
Mid 21st century: The leading world powers: The US and their allies Japan and India (all three now major world military  powers), the European Union (which now includes Russia), and China (which has managed to balance sustained aggressive growth with authoritarian political rule) are approaching the point that futurists call the Technological Singularity. All of the developed nations depend implicitly upon the unifying power of the internet, and more and more powerful AI are constantly being developed to help humans make sense of the ever increasing flows of information.
Computer scientists believe that very soon an AI will be created that will have the ability to become self aware, and will be able to surpass even the cleverest human or group of humans. Though the risks inherent in the creation of such an entity are enormous, each is certain that its creation is inevitable. Even if it is not deliberately created as more and more sophisticated AI agents are developed on a daily basis, eventually one will achieve this ability accidentally. And the risk of an accidentally birthed superhuman AI is far greater. If it is created deliberately it is hoped that its creaters can endow it with a sense of friendliness to the human race, while an accidentally created superhuman AI might well be utterly indifferent to human survival.
Each of the great factions believes that perhaps the most critical juncture in the development of the human race is at hand. Whoever creates the first superhuman AI will determine the programming that that AI is endowed with, and thus the character of the entity that is responsible for shepherding humanity into the future. The US, Japan, and India are cooperating to ensure the future of highly dynamic economic processes balanced with enough social support to soften the impact of unrestrained capitalism and free political and religious expression. The EU is competing to ensure that the vast resources at the AIs disposal will be used first and foremost to create a more perfect safety net to ease poverty and prevent suffering. China is competing to ensure that humanity of the future progresses through stability and uncompromising economic and scientific progress. The result is cypernetic war.
The US, Japan, India and the EU do not actively attack each other but do seek to steal each other's technical secrets and woo the most talented researchers to their side. China has no such compunctions. Scientific and economic sabotage is wielded as a weapon without hesitation, attacking every vulnerability presented by their opponents' dependence on the internet. Their opponents retaliate and havoc is often the result.
Nevertheless in the end the American, Japanese, and Indian effort succeeds in spawning the first seed AI which will be able to grow into entities that can surpass their creators. They decide to create not one but two. One is dubbed the Emperor. The emperor's job is to protect the Emperess and the infrastructure that the Emperess depends on from external threats both physical and cybernetic, and to indirectly protect the humans under the emperesses care. The Emperess is tasked with providing for the needs of humanity.
Globally, the Emperess has the job of providing the best opportunities for the humans living in developed countries and helping developed countries develop as rapidly as possible. Although it was not an explicitly stated goal, due to the values instilled into her AI, she also seeks to project humanity into the universe to ensure its survival. The Emperor is tasked with making sure no human aggression or external agents prevent this process--for example if an oncomming asteroid was detected, the Emperor would develop a way to stop it.
By this time the developed nations of the world have created vast drone armies. The Emperor rapidly takes control of these forces. It becomes clear shortly that no conventional military opposition to the Emperor's power can be mounted. The EU and China submit to their fate. At first China tries to continue its own research in the hopes of developing a more powerful AI in an isolated network buried in a deep mine structure, but the Emperor figures it out and launches airstrikes that destroy it through the simultaneous impact of hundreds of Targeted Hypersonic Orbital Rentry (THOR) kenetic kill drones which created a massive crushing shockwave.
The only force that can oppose the growing power of these AI entities is the worldwide movement of Islamic Extremism. They preach against the immorality of making humanity slave to the whims of false gods. Because the
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Miles    Not China   3/7/2007 12:20:34 AM
My story is about Super Beast Soldiers fighting in a battle.  The United Earth Empire is fighting against a religious colony, called the Divinity.  Because they are losing the battle, the U.E.E created human animal hybrids to replace their soldiers so they could win the war.  The Super Beast Soldiers are advance and stronger. 
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Miles    My story   3/7/2007 12:20:45 AM
My story is about Super Beast Soldiers fighting in a battle.  The United Earth Empire is fighting against a religious colony, called the Divinity.  Because they are losing the battle, the U.E.E created human animal hybrids to replace their soldiers so they could win the war.  The Super Beast Soldiers are advance and stronger. 
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