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Subject: Powell To Read Riot Act to Assad
greytraveller    4/28/2003 2:23:45 AM
Secretary of State Colin Powell is schedualed to stop in Damascus late this week or early next week as part of his mid east trip. Accordong to Powell is going to reiterate the US position regarding Syria. Powell will tell Syrian Pres. Assad in forceful terms that the Syrians MUST admit that they are hiding Iraqi weapons of mass destruction. This is a Non-negotiable point! According to Debka the US demands Syrian compliance in this matter. As we all know the Bush administration stated the WMDs where the main justificatio for the war in Iraq. So the US officails will not relent until Syria admits possession of those weapons. The US government is reportedly ready to use various forceful options to assure Syrian compliance. Also the US will demand a severe crackdown by Syria on terror organizations operating from Syrian territory. This demands is related to the upcoming Road Map to Mid East peace soon to be unveiled by Washiington.
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