Air Weapons Article Archive 2008


Hellfire Gets Better EyesightBrazilian HARM For PakistanA-10s Get The Laser Of Death
Chinese Smart BombsThe Power Pods PrevailU.S. Warplanes Destroyed By Smart Bombs
Will It Work?The Real Time Video RevolutionMagic Eyes
Little Robots Over IndiaHow Many JDAM Is EnoughMissile With Many Memories
21st Century AWACSIsrael Thinks Small And PenetratingHow Much Is Just Enough
Nothing Down There Folks, Nothing At AllDealing With Booby Traps From The AirThe X Factor
JASSM Lurches ForwardHellfire and Brimstone Go High SpeedLightweight Mayhem
ForbiddenHellfire Lite From EuropeAnother Hundred Pound Wonder Weapon
Torpedoes That Fly AwayAnd Then There Were ThreeFrench JDAM Enters Combat
Saving JASSMSmart Bombs For Moving TargetsDecoys That Cast Confusion
Six Pound UAV MissileBetter Bunker Buster BuiltArming the V-22
Beyond SidewinderA Whole Lot More of LessJDAM Spreads Economy and Confusion
A Pinpoint Success



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