Attrition Article Archive 2015


The Higher Cost Of Avoiding ProblemsWhat The Media Will Not Tell YouThe Kurdish Connections
Making A Living In the CaliphateThe Impossible Dream In AfghanistanIndian Women Flying Fighters
Outlaws And Child SoldiersHigh And DyingBorn To Run From South Korea
China Thins The Thundering HerdChina Learns Valuable Lessons From RussiaYoung Marines Dying From Old Age
Germany Pays For Bad DecisionsThe Hunter Stands DownSpeed Kills, Sanity Rules
Russia Is Losing Its PunchAfghanistan Adjusts To LossIraqi Loss Rates In 2015
Terrorism Defined And CountedGripen GroundedRussia Resumes Shrinking
The Conscript Con BackfiresAir Power Cannot Do It Alone AgainHow Bad Maintenance Gets Pilots Killed
India Runs Out Of Patience With RussiaFatal AttractionsThe Myths Of Suicide In The Military
Saudi Arabia Destroys The Yemen Air ForceKurds Rotate In KobaneAfghans Killing Afghans
SOCOM, Stress And SuicideChina Pursues Fleeing ChineseThe Grinding In Ukraine
The Persistence of Child SoldiersThe Black Mans' BurdenTaliban Get Proof God Is On Their Side
Ukraine Rescues MiG-29sRussia Tries To Expand Its Foreign LegionThe Mali Malfunction
The Air War So FarAfghanistan Leads The World



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