Submarines Article Archive 2008


Yes, Virginia, There Is A Santa ClausSatellite Link For Submerged BoatsTorpedo Tech Marches On
Another eBay BargainThe Hoot Is A HootScads Of Super Subs In The Indian Ocean
Indian Crew For Cursed Russian BoatDemilitarized Boats For Sale, CheapSea Trials For Russian Mystery Boat
PrioritiesChinese Boats Stalk George WashingtonA Nod And A Wink
Soviet Subs In The SunsetChina Builds A Scary SimulatorThe End Of An Era
The Heat Is OnJapan At RiskAhead Of Schedule And Under Budget
Iranian Robots RuleFastest Boat In the World Goes To The BreakersRussian Klub Passes Its Exams
Son Of Kilo Stumbles AlongCocaine Boat Captured At Sea By CommandosTurkey Joins the 214 Club
Run Silent, Run CheapMalaysian Sailors Complete Sub SchoolWhere Nukes Go To Die
The War In The PacificU-Boats Rule The SkyPoacher Patrol Pleases Penny Pinching Politicians
Indian SLBM PerfectedCorrupt Kilo Copies ClobberedThe Chinese Underground
The All Seeing PeriscopeTropical Paradise For BubbleheadsPlease Give These Boats A Good Home
Plan B From HellBack From The DeadSRV1 Ready For Action
Coke Boats Winning Their WarLe Terrible Hits the WaterBrazil To Start With Scorpene
South America Goes NuclearAll Together NowFour SSGNs, No Waiting
Brazil Seeks SSN SuppliersSonobuoys Seek Silent PreySuper U-Boats Off Japan
The Sub That Couldn't Shoot StraightYet Another CollisionDrug Sub War Intensifies



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