Warplanes: The F-35I Looks Pregnant


September 4, 2010: Now that Israel has placed an order for 20 American F-35 fighters, for $137.5 million each, preparations are well underway to customize the new aircraft. That's why they will be called the F-35I, because they will be fitted out with a lot of Israeli designed and made gear. This will include several bits of Israeli equipment in the cockpit, and a modification to the main computer that will allow easy connection to Israeli accessories. There will most notably be a detachable 2500 liter (600 gallon) fuel tank. While this reduces the stealth capabilities, the fuel tank can be jettisoned once the aircraft enters enemy territory. The pilots will also use an Israeli made "point and shoot" helmet (as will most F-35 drivers everywhere).

The first Israeli F-35 will be delivered in five years. Israel had originally wanted to buy 75 F-35s, but things changed (costs went up, way up) as the aircraft got closer to production. The Israeli F-35s will mostly be paid for by the United States, out of the nearly one billion dollars a year in military aid Israel receives. Israel may still buy more F-35s, after they have had some experience with them.

Two years ago, Israel was having second thoughts about buying the new American F-35 stealth fighter-bomber at all. Many Israeli commanders wanted to buy more F-15s, which can carry more bombs. But the feeling is that some stealth aircraft might come in handy. Then there is the cost issue. When Israel first bought into the program back in 2002, the quoted "flyaway" costs per the aircraft alone was $47 million. When delivered, in 2014, the price was expected to rise to an inflation adjusted $80 million. It is now closer to  $100 million. After Israeli add-ons (mostly electronics), support and training costs have all been added, the per-aircraft cost has gone past $200 million. This has caused a big case of sticker shock among senior Israeli defense and political officials. In response, the F-35's manufacturer went into full damage-control mode. The main argument being made was that the special equipment Israeli firms were designing and manufacturing would keep nearly half the aircraft work in Israel, and will create enormous potential sales of that gear to other F-35 users. For example, Israeli firms are making the wings for at least 800 F-35s.

Development costs for the new U.S. F-35 fighter-bomber has grown by a third, to $60 billion, over the last few years. That means the average development cost of the estimated (originally) 5,000 F-35s to be built, will be about $12 million each. This overhead share will increase as the number of F-35s bought declines, and that is what is happening. The air force wants to buy 1,763, to mainly replace aging F-16s and F-15s. But now air force generals are talking about just buying "more than 1,500" F-35As. The total purchases may be less than 3,000 aircraft, although the official figure now is 3,500. That means the development cost per aircraft will probably be over $20 million. The additional development costs are accompanied by additional delays before the aircraft enters service. Production costs will average close to $100 million, or more. Then you have a share of development costs, meaning that $130 million per aircraft, or more (probably more) is likely.

Like the F-22 fighter, the F-35 is stealthy, and is stuffed with lots of new technology. Most (about half) of the F-35s built will be used by foreign nations. The rising cost of the F-35 brings with it reluctance to buy as many aircraft currently planned. The success of smart bombs in Iraq and Afghanistan has also made it clear that fewer aircraft will be needed in the future.

The U.S. Air Force simulations and studies have shown the F-35 to be four times as effective against any current fighter (the best of them known as "fourth generation" aircraft.) The major advantages of the F-35 are engine power (its one engine generates more power than the two engines used in the Eurofighter or F-18), stealth and the fact that it can fight "clean" (without any pods or missiles hung from its wings, and interfering with maximum maneuverability).

The 27 ton F-35 is armed with an internal 25mm cannon and four internal air-to-air missiles (or two missiles and two smart bombs). Plus four external smart bombs and two missiles. All sensors are carried internally, and max weapon load is 6.8 tons. The aircraft is very stealthy when just carrying internal weapons. The first F-35s will enter service in four years.




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