May 2, 2007:
Yet another example of a media celebrity letting their true feeling
about the troops slip out. In this case, it is "The View" guest
co-host Ricki Lake (best known for a trashy talk show), who used the word "ineducation" to describe why young Americans join the
military. This was in response to a question from co-host Rosie O'Donnell as to
why they enlist. An attempt to challenge that by co-host Elizabeth Hasselback
was slapped down by O'Donnell, who went on to claim that felons were being
allowed to enlist. This is not the first time that such insults have been fired
off, but it does show the contempt that is held for the troops in at least some
quarters of the anti-war movement.
This is not the first time such comments have been
made by opponents of the Iraqi component campaign of the war on terror. In February, NBC commentator
William Arkin, criticized American soldiers who defended their efforts in the
war on terror. Arkin also had expressed his hope the troops who made the
comments had been counseled. Arkin also
raised the specter of a military coup, and then referred to them as
In November, 2006, Senator John Kerry made comments
concerning an alleged lack of intelligence among the troops and the notion that
many of the recruits are poor. Like Kerry's comments, which killed his 2008
presidential bid, Rosie O'Donnell's comments also have little, if any, basis in
truth. Every year since 1983, over 90 percent of all recruits have at least a
high school diploma. Many officers and enlisted personnel tend to get college
degrees (both graduate and undergraduate), often paid for by the armed
services. The claim that most of the recruits are poor also did not stand up to
facts. Most of the recruits come from middle-class families. These recruits
also score high on the AVSAB tests (two-thirds of recruits score over 60
percent on the test), another indication that they are not stupid. Also,
felonies are a bar to enlistment.
The comments from Ricki Lake, Rosie O'Donnell, and
John Kerry are not the worst things that have been said about the troops. Some
scurrilous and very incendiary charges came from Seymour Hersh, a journalist
who broke various stories in the Vietnam War. Hersh openly called for American
troops to be treated as they were when they returned from Vietnam. Hersh
claimed that the American forces in Iraq were carrying out atrocities. In one
instance, he claimed a video of a massacre at a soccer game in the wake of an
IED attack existed. Yet Hersh made this claim at a lecture at McGill University
in Canada. He apparently had not heard of the Army's Criminal Investigative
Division and the Naval Criminal Investigative Service (the latter of which is
the subject of a popular prime-time TV series).
In a very real sense, there is only so much
hypocrisy that the anti-war movement will be able to get away with. It
certainly is fair to ask the anti-war movement how they reconcile their belief
that they support the troops, when they express almost implacable opposition to
what the troops are doing. These claims of support become harder to buy when
they come right after the person making them has called the troops stupid on
national TV. - Harold C. Hutchison (