Information Warfare: USAF Hackers Lead the Way


December 28, 2007: The U.S. Air Force has developed a very effective way to train all computers users (in the air force, that means everyone) to avoid actions that would allow hackers into military networks. This is done by periodically having air force hackers launch attacks. The military hackers want to see which military networks, and computer users, are vulnerable, and that is usually the case because of a system defect, or operator error. Usually it's the latter. Human error, rather than a "computer failure" or "software problem" is the cause of most hacker invasions of military systems. Those air force personnel found to have screwed up, are given more training. Fail this test enough times, and you can get fired from the air force. This testing also covers any civilians or military personnel from the other services, who are working on that air force base. The air force has long been the leader in developing Internet security methods.




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