Murphy's Law: All The News That ...


June 30, 2009: Britain decommissioned it's 20,000 ton aircraft carrier, HMS Invincible, in 2005. The Royal Navy said that the ship would be held in reserve until September, 2010, for reactivation. That process would take 18 months. However, media in Britain are all in an uproar that the Invincible is currently in a sad state, with its many components removed, and tended to by a detachment of only four sailors. The media pointed out that it's less than 18 months to September, 2010. When the Royal Navy was contacted for comment. they simply repeated their original statement (that, until September, 2010, the Invincible could be recalled to service, after 18 months of preparations.)

Bad news sells, good news doesn't. That's what drives the media business. Truth, accuracy and reading comprehension have nothing to do with it.




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