Afghanistan: September 14, 2001


Ahmad Shah Masood, leader of the Northern Alliance is reported to be in very critical condition, but still alive, but still in a hospital, in a northern Afghanistan hospital. Others say Masood is near death since the September 9 assassination attempt on him. The Northern Alliance blames Pakistani intelligence for the assassination operation. With Masood out of action, his followers appear to be enraged and have stopped Taliban attacks and hit Taliban targets in Kabul and elsewhere. The Taliban continue to deny any involvement in terrorist activity and that their "guest" Osama Bin Laden is not allowed to operate terrorist facilities in Afghanistan. This last claim is countered by reports from people outside Afghanistan who have received phone calls from Bin Laden (using satellite cell phones) and travelers who report seeing terrorist bases in operation in areas Bin Laden is known to frequent. Bin Laden is constantly on the move between his bases and various other locations. His bases are under constant satellite surveillance by US satellites.




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