Afghanistan: November 29, 2001


Cross-border traffic into and out of Pakistan has actually increased since the collapse of Taliban resistance in the north. Anti-Taliban exiles are going home, and Taliban fighters are fleeing to their enclaves and "schools" in Pakistan. It is assumed that Taliban and al Qaeda will remain in operation from camps in Pakistan and will conduct raids into Afghanistan in a bid to destabilize any new government that is established there.--Stephen V Cole

Two platoons of infantry from the U.S. 10th Mountain division troops in Uzbekistan, were sent to guard American repair and support efforts in airfields outside Kabul and Mazar-I-Sharif. A few days earlier, troops from the 10th Mountain division were sent to help in the fighting at the fortress of Qala-e-Jangi. There are still only about a thousand 10th Mountain division troops in Uzbekistan, providing security for airfields.

British and American commandos continue to roam around southern Afghanistan looking for terrorists and Taliban troops. The bombing continues, concentrating on the Taliban's last stronghold, the city of Kandahar. But throughout southern Afghanistan, there are towns and valleys where the Taliban are still in charge (or supported by the locals.) The marine base 120 kilometers southeast of Kandahar has become part of the support network for the commando operations. Psychological warfare operations continue, with radio broadcasts and millions of leaflets dropped. 

The last Taliban troops in the south remain defiant and vow to fight to the death defending Kandahar. 

UN mine clearing experts estimate that U.S. aircraft dropped some 300 bombs in and around Kabul. Historically, five to ten percent of bombs do not detonate. But through the 1990s, much work was done by U.S. researchers to make American bombs more reliable. Even so, seven dud U.S. bombs have been found around Kabul, and there may be a few more. 




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