Balkans: March 6, 2000


: Saddam continues to support his new pal, Slobodan Milosevic. In talks with a Serb envoy in Baghdad, Saddam said, quote: "We oppose all those who want to divide your country (ie, Serbia) because we are on the side of good and against evil." Other great quotes: "The arm used by the US against Iraq, against Yugoslavia, and which they will probably use against others, will surely tire." And another quote: "Those who attacked you (Serbia) are dogs, and we cannot justify any Arab (states) who stand with dogs against you." The topper quote appeared in a wire service report. Apparently, Saddam said the US was using the Islamic faith of the Kosovar Albanians as a cover for a plan of "world domination." Saddam said: "We' refuse the use of Islam as an excuse to massacre, destroy, and terrorize nations. Islam is not American and if Islam were American, it would not be Islam." This from arguably the world's current leader in killing Muslims (in Iraq, Kuwait, and Iran).



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