Balkans: March 10, 2001


Fighting continues in Serbias Presevo valley and NATO is increasingly acting as an ally of the Serbs. On March 9 UCPMB rebels killed a Serb policeman outside Lucane. Reports indicate the policeman was killed by either a mortar shell or an RPG round fired from the Ground Safety Zone (GSZ). The Serb government also announced plans to announced on deploy joint army and police units into the GSZ if the UN decides to allow the Yugoslav Army back into the zone. On March 8 NATO indicated that the Yugoslav Army would be allowed to partially reoccupy the GSZ within Serbia. On March 10 a UCPMB mortar attack against the village of Oslare killed an 11-year old Serb boy. On the afternoon of March 10, a UCPMB spokesman said that the UCPMB would agree to a ceasefire with Serbia soon. 



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