Balkans: May 22, 2001


On May 17, the UCPMB agreed to sign a peace deal with Serbia, ending the 16-month long rebellion in south Serbia. The agreement (sponsored by NATO) says the UCPMB will disband and disarm. All UCPMB guerrillas who gave themselves up my May 24 would receive amnesty. However, military sources reported May 21 was considered the key date for the ceasefire implementation and surrender of arms. At first one splinter faction of the UCPMB, the Car group (led by Muhamet Xhemaili, nom de gueere Commander Rebelli) refused to sign the agreement, but a subsequent report said the Car group would demilitarize. Xhemaili was reportedly arrested by Serb forces on May 21 (which may have led to the agreement to demilitarize). 40 members of the Car group later surrendered.



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