Balkans: April 25, 2004


The investigation into the April 17 shooting in a Kosovo prison that left two Americans and the attacker (Jordanian Sgt. Maj. Ahmed Mustafa Ibrahim) dead. Investigations have revealed that Ibrahim may have been a member, or supporter, of Palestinian terrorist organization Hamas. Ibrahim fired over 400 rounds from his M-16 rifle during the attack, and was killed mainly because his weapon jammed and the Americans were able to get a shot at him. Ibrahim's four subordinates cowered in a guard shack during the shooting, but may have been tossing Ibrahim additional magazines (each with 30 rounds of ammo). The UN is very concerned with this case, because Western police and prison guards are now wary of serving with armed personnel from Moslem countries.  If this attitude becomes more intense and widespread, it will be more difficult to recruit personnel for peacekeeping missions.




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