Balkans: Serb Statelet Sustains Support


August 4, 2007: Bosnian Moslem leaders are demanding that the United Nations "dissolve" the Republika Srpska. The Bosniaks assert that the Bosnian Serb state-let is the "result of the genocide." In February 2007 the international court charged with investigating war crimes in the former Yugoslavia ruled that the Sbrenrebica massacre in 1995 was "an act of genocide." The Bosniaks want the Serb region permanently incorporated into Bosnia-Herzegovina. Not surprisingly, this is unpopular among Bosnian Serbs. A recent poll indicated over 70 percent of Bosnian Serbs prefer keeping the Republika Srpska.

August 2, 2007: Kosovo police seized over 500 pistols, a few rifles and over 2,000 rounds of ammo, from smugglers bringing the weapons across the border from Macedonia. Smuggling has been a major source of jobs in the area for centuries. Of late, however, people (illegal migrants), weapons and drugs are the most common items being moved.

July 31, 2007: Following a recent visit by Greece's prime minister to the island, the Greek government is once again focusing on Cyprus. The Greek officials statement said that resolving the situation on Cyprus was essential if Greek-Turk relations are to reach "a new level." That kind of language could imply Greek support for Turkey's entrance into the EU.

July 27, 2007: A bomb detonated by a road wounded 10 Kosovar Albanians who were traveling on a bus. The bomb appears to have been a hand grenade rigged as a booby trap.

July 26, 2007: The UN's senior representative in Kosovo said that Kosovo should conduct municipal and parliamentary elections in November 2007. He made the recommendation despite the UN's failure to resolve Kosovo's "final status." Most Serbs will interpret this decision as another indication that the UN remains intent on creating an independent Kosovo.

July 18, 2007: Turkey is buying 40 trainer aircraft, from South Korea, for its air force.



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