India-Pakistan: January 25, 2002


Violence in Kashmir left ten rebels and one soldier dead. Shelling across the line of control in Kashmir has left eight soldiers dead and four civilians wounded on the Pakistan side. This was the first firing across the line in 11 days. India test fired, off its east coast, its 700 kilometer range Agni I missile. The test had been planned before the current crises with Pakistan, but Pakistan protested anyway. The Agni I can carry a nuclear weapon. India also issued an international arrest warrant for Dubai based gangster Farhan Malik, who took responsibility for the recent terrorist attack in Calcutta. Malik, as some suspected, is carrying out a feud with the Calcutta police. This sort of thing is not unusual in south Asia, where criminal gangs can be enormously powerful and don't hesitate to publicly go to war with government organizations the crooks feel have done them wrong. Malik, like most successful gangsters in the region, will also work with the government. In this case, he has apparently been working with Pakistani ISI since early 2000. 




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