India-Pakistan: November 22, 2004


In Pakistans South Waziristan tribal area, sevral operations over the last two weeks, including an army raid on a religious school, resulted clashes that left twenty Islamic radicals dead. The school had long been suspected as being a base for terrorists, and this turned out to be the case. 

India reports that the number of armed rebels in Kashmir appears to have declined from 3,500 to 1,800. This happened because India increased the effectiveness of its border guards, especially with night vision equipment, better radios, an electrified fence and more troops. More Islamic radicals trying to cross from Pakistan have been caught, killed or turned back. So far this year, Indian security forces in Kashmir have killed some 850 Islamic radicals, versus 650 during the same period last year. Pakistan has also helped by quietly (so as not to offend many Pakistanis who support the violence in Kashmir) shut down or restricted many Islamic radical camps in Pakistani Kashmir. 




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