India-Pakistan: Removing Islamic Radicals From the Army


September 21, 2005: The Pakistani armed forces are trying to remove officers who back Islamic radicalism. At least three such officers have been jailed for terrorist activities, and dozens more are under investigation, or have been dismissed from service.

September 22, 2005: In southern India, police clashed twice with Maoist rebels, killing four of them. Maoists are trying to terrorize voters to influence tomorrows local elections.

In Lahore, Pakistan, two bombs went off, killing six and wounding thirty. Islamic terrorists were suspected.

September 21, 2005: Two bombs went off in Baluchistan (southwest Pakistan), where hostile tribes are pressuring the government for more autonomy and money. Only a few people were injured by these two bombs.

September 19, 2005: In Kashmir, Indian troops found a large cache of terrorist weapons and bomb making materials, including 14 assault rifles, and enough explosives, detonators and timers for making over a hundred bombs. Combat operations in Kashmir continue to cause about a dozen casualties a week.




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