India-Pakistan: Keeping Religion Out Of The Army


February 14, 2006: In Kashmir, Indian police killed four Islamic terrorists. Meanwhile, the commanders of the Indian army are resisting a government demand that the army tally the number of troops by religion. Previously, the military had been strictly secular, not inquiring about the religion of anyone who joined. The generals want to maintain that, but the politicians want a better idea of how many troops are Moslem. About 14 percent of the Indian population is Moslem.

February 13, 2006: In Lahore, Pakistan, a doctor known to treat injured Islamic terrorists, was shot dead as he was on his way to his clinic.

February 12, 2006: In Pakistan Baluchistan, clashes with tribesmen left three soldiers dead.

February 11, 2006: In Pakistan, Sunni radicals attacked Shia Ashura religious celebrations over the past few days, leaving about three dozen dead, and many more wounded. These Ashura attacks have become an annual event, with the growing popularity of Islamic radicalsm. Mainline Sunnis consider Shia Moslems to be heretics.

In Bangladesh police arrested nine more members of terrorist organization, Jamayetul Mujahideen Bangladesh (JMB). Among those arrested were four regional commanders. Also taken were bomb making equipment, explosives, weapons, and cash. Over the last six months, JMB has set off bombs that have killed over 30 people.

February 10, 2006: In eastern India, Maoist rebels attacked a military explosives warehouse, killing eight guards and getting away with hundreds of pounds of explosives. In the same area, another group of Maoists killed three tribal leaders, as part of a terror campaign.




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