Israel: The Final Curtain for Palestine


July 15, 2007: The Arab League is having a lively debate over whether to send a delegation to Israel. That would be a first, the result of many Arab countries no longer considering Israel a "problem," but rather more of an asset. Islamic radicalism is generally accepted to be a problem, even though, or perhaps because, it is so popular with many Arabs. There are problems in the Middle East, and many Arabs now recognize that the cause is not Israel. The Arab Reform Movement is pretty blunt about blaming Arabs for the lack of good government, or economic and scientific progress in the region. Many Arabs note that over half of Israel's population is "Arab" (either Israeli Arab or Israelis of Middle Eastern origin), and that has not prevented Israel from building a working democracy and thriving economy. An increasing number of Arabs ask, "why not us?" The Palestinians are increasingly seen as a bunch of self-destructive screw-ups who can't do anything right. Arab support for Palestinians is increasingly just for show, and the show is coming to an end.

July 14, 2007: In Lebanon, the siege of Islamic terrorists in a northern Palestinian refugee camp continues, with 219 dead so far (98 soldiers, the rest terrorists and a few civilians). The terrorists insist they will fight to the death, and there are at least a few dozen still holding out. Iran and Syria are trying to organize a popular uprising that would put a Shia dominated government in power. But this would trigger another civil war, and France is sponsoring negotiations to try and find another way. Iranian radicals, however, are obsessed with destroying Israel and want to start another attack via southern Israel. Syria wants to regain control of Lebanon, which it sees as "stolen" after World War I, when France created Lebanon as a Christian majority state. Many of the Christians have since fled (to get away from religious persecution from Moslems), and are no longer a majority. Between the Sunnis, Shia, Druze and Christians, no one is, and everyone cannot agree on how to share power.

July 13, 2007: Hundreds of Fatah affiliated Islamic terrorists are signing amnesty deals that require them to stop attacking Israel. In return, Israeli counter-terror forces would stop hunting them. While many of the terrorists won't sign, this effort by Fatah will greatly reduce the strength of the terrorists. Cooperation between Fatah and Israeli intelligence and police would further hinder terrorist efforts against Israel. However, the security wall would continue to be built between the West Bank and Israel.

July 12, 2007: Hamas has sent its police to arrest al Qaeda sympathizers, particularly those who have been attacking video stores and cafes, and trying to force Palestinians to adopt a more Islamic conservative lifestyle. Hamas does not want to be viewed as providing sanctuary for Islamic terrorists, except those who concentrate their efforts against Israel, which Hamas is still pledged to destroy.

July 11, 2007: Fatah is calling on the UN to put peacekeepers in charge of Gaza. But no one in the West, or the Arab world, wants to send their soldiers to Gaza to battle Hamas.

July 10, 2007: Israel is changing its strategy towards Gaza and Hamas. Noting that a "hands off" policy simply led to more Hamas attacks, Israel is now using the same tactics that worked so well in the West Bank. Frequent raids will now be the norm in Gaza, which will collect information, destroy terrorist facilities, and keep Hamas off balance.

July 9, 2007: After several days of Israeli army operations in Gaza, the Kassam rockets continue to land in southern Israel. However, it's now down to 2-5 a day. The army did find, and destroy Kassam launchers and workshops, and killed eleven Hamas gunmen who tried to oppose the troops. Meanwhile, it became public that Israeli intelligence has warned Morocco that eleven al Qaeda operatives have recently headed their way, with orders to make some attacks, particularly on foreigners. Israel and Morocco have long maintained good relations.

July 8, 2007: Israel refuses to allow anything but basic food and medical supplies to enter Gaza, in the belief that the resumption of normal imports would lead to smuggling weapons in. Hamas is appealing to its leftist allies in Europe to attack the Israelis on humanitarian grounds. Many European leftists consider terror attacks on Israel as "legitimate resistance" and no excuse for anything. But most Europeans, and Egypt, fear Hamas will allow Gaza to become a sanctuary for Islamic terrorists. For that reason. Egypt supports the Israeli demand that Palestinians must enter and leave Gaza (into Egypt) via checkpoints controlled by Israel. Hamas refuses to allow this, stranding 4,000 Palestinians in Egypt. Hamas wants to use checkpoints controlled by Palestinians and Egyptians (who can be bribed to allow terrorists and cash in).

July 7, 2007: Hamas is going after the pro-Fatah clan based gangs in Gaza, one at a time. Some of the gangs are considered useful allies by Hamas, but others are deemed too closely connected to Fatah, or simply too evil, and unreliable, to deal with.




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