Israel: February 3, 2003



Israel continues its policy of destroying the homes of suicide bombers. Since the suicide bombers are generally young, and living at home with up to three generations, each destroyed house puts a dozen or more people out. Since the policy was revived last August, some 140 homes have been destroyed. The policy has had an effect in reducing the number of suicide attacks. Israeli intelligence agents in the Palestinian territories report that your people are less eager to volunteer for suicide attacks knowing that their families will be made homeless. Even thirty thousand or so dollars in rewards paid (mostly from Iraq and Saudi Arabia) to the families of suicide attackers does not counteract the destruction of  the family home. Homes are also destroyed if they are found providing support for terrorist activities. For example, three homes were destroyed in Gaza today because they were found to contain one end of tunnels that crossed the border into Egypt. These were used to smuggle weapons and other contraband from Egypt.  




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