Israel: September 18, 2003


Israel and Palestinians are at war again, and the intensity has increased. Israel is attacking terrorist group leaders wherever they find them, including in their homes. This has not been very successful, yet. This is because many of the terrorist leaders live in large buildings or compounds. While Israeli intelligence may know the target is home, they don't always know where in the home he is. Sometimes these attacks kill the target, often they don't. The Israelis appear to be going after lower level terrorists as well, raiding Palestinian territory daily and making arrests and demolishing homes of suicide bombers and other known terrorists. 

The long time deadlock continues, with Palestinian terrorists unwilling to compromise on their goal of destroying Israel. This does not give even the most flexible Israeli negotiators much room to work out any kind of deal. Thus the all out war on the terrorist groups (especially the largest, Hamas) and insisting that the Palestinians deal with their own radicals before any serious negotiations take place.





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